Sunday 8 May 2011

Recommended Title -- Madeleine by Kate McCann

I have decided that every so often I am going to do a blog post about books that have a special meaning to me, or have grabbed me in one way or another.

This week I have chosen "Madeleine" by Kate McCann. See my link on the left hand side. Madeleine was a 3 year old girl who went missing whilst on holiday in Portugal with her parents and her two younger siblings in 2007. Her parents Kate and Jerry, were just across the complex having something to eat, whilst they and their friends regularly checked on all the children. When they went to check on the children Madeleine had gone. She has never been seen since.

The McCanns come from Rothley in Leicestershire UK, and I work for the local police there. We have had an incident room running ever since. There have been several suspects which the Portugese police interviewed but they have all come to nothing. Could her disappearance have been handled better by the Portugese police? Maybe, but who can say?

Kate has written this book about Madeleine with all profits going to the Find Madeleine Appeal to raise funds for further searches. Please have a look at the site.

Quote from Kate McCann
“There are several different reasons as to why I finally came to the decision with my husband Gerry to write and publish this book,” said Kate McCann. “This decision has not been an easy one. Many factors needed to be given thorough and careful consideration, not least the impact of such a book on the lives of our three children. My reason for writing is simple; to give an account of the truth.
Publishing this book has been a very different decision and is one that we have taken after much deliberation and with a very heavy heart. However, in the last few months with the depletion of Madeleine’s Fund, it is a decision that has virtually been taken out of our hands.
Every penny we raise through its sales will be spent on our search for Madeleine. Nothing is more important to us than finding our little girl.”


  1. I hope that the police are also open to the possibility that the parents should be suspects in the investigation, until they are cleared. (They weren't cleared in the Portuguese court; the case was shelved, in part because the parents were not cooperative with the police.) There was no evidence of an abduction, and the parents' story has been contradictory and has changed over time--and many innocent suspects have stories that change, but not THIS much. The book is being excerpted in the Sun, and it confirms that the parents left their 3 and 2 year old children alone in an unlocked flat every night of their holiday and went out to dinner well out of sight or hearing of the children. If you want to know about Kate McCann's sex life, or her fantasies about what a pedophile might have done to her . . . well, this is the book for you.


    Hello Lisa, what a beautiful blog you have.

    The article from Dr.Goncalo Amaral (Link above) should have been published by the British press over the week-end, it seems to have been gagged! once again we seem to have only the McCann version. In the article Goncalo explains that all the McCanns have to do is ask for the case to be re-opened ,it will cost a postage stamp...maybe you could pass this message over to them. Maybe also you could ask them why they do not wish the public to know sales maybe?

    Many thanks

  3. I certainly won't be buying it! The extracts published in the Sun are enough for me. More than enough, since they contain examples of Kate McCanns lashing out in anger, chanting obscene language under her breath at the police and telling us about her lack of a sex life. Plus of course the continual attempts to discredit the world's best cadaver dog and blame everyone else for Madeleine being missing but herself and her husband. Nothing we've heard so far has anything to do with the 'search' for Madeleine, but that's hardly surprising. That 'search' seems to have something the same status as the Emperor's New Clothes - much paraded in front of our eyes but rather low on actual substance.

    A much better book to read is 'The Truth of the Lie' by Dr Gonçalo Amaral, the co-ordinator of the Portuguese investigation. It's not yet available in print in English but you can find plenty of English translations online. In it you'll find just how much work was put into this investigation by the Portuguese and the British police, but also how often the investigation was unable to proceed as planned due to outside interference, very possibly political. You'll also find out things already known to those who've taken the trouble to study the case files which were published when the investigation was shelved, including some very interesting things that the British papers seem unwilling - or afraid? - to print.

    No one is giving up on Madeleine. But in the case of this particular missing child, it cannot be assumed that she was abducted simply because her parents say so. There are various possibilities as to why she might suddenly have vanished, and all these possibilities need to be examined. Hopefully the case will be reopened at some time in the future in Portugal and all theories tested. As Dr Amaral has said, a good starting point would be a full police reconstruction, something that was proposed before now but that some of the holiday party seemed surprisingly reluctant to take part in. Oh, and perhaps Kate McCann can eventually answer the 48 police questions she chose not to answer.

  4. Hi everyone, Thank you so much for your comments and I do appreciate everyone expressing their thoughts as it is obviously a bone of contention. I can obviously not comment on the comments made due to my "normal work" outside my blogging. However I do appreciate you all sharing your views. I obviously have mine but am not allowed to express them. I am happy though that you all did, and I do appreciate it.
    Lisa xx


    Good morning Lisa,

    Understand perfectly and would not wish you to comment on the subjuct this would be very unfair. The bone of contention of course lies with the supression of Goncalo Amarals book because it contains the GASPAR statement (Link above).

    This witness statement concerns me even more so today, Kate has implied in the SUN the stain on Madeleines T Shirt could have been 'something else'...she implies without saying semen from an intruder she is sure was in the apartment the evening before. Is Kate now suggesting we should imagine an Intruder, Madeleine , Sean and the stained T Shirt are from a paedophile event from the evening before ? It has taken her four long years to make such a suggestion !

    An American reporter had an article in the States pulled only yesterday, the reason , there was a link to the Gaspar statement . Piers Morgan interview on CNN is this evening and as we all know the Gaspar statement whether there be any truth in it or not would change public opinion overnight.

    However ,public opinion should not be the McCanns concern ONLY Madeleine.
    They should address this statement openly and explain the situation ,Kate today placed in the SUN a paedophile scenario for the evening of may 2nd, without further ado goes on to say 'There is no evidence Madeleine has come to any harm'

    Thank-you Lisa for listening to my point of you. I shall no longer post on this subject as quiet frankly it makes me feel pretty sick.

    However, I too love to read books and shall look in another time to see if you can suggest something for me to read on my holidays.

    Take care xx

    PS: I hope you relayed the message from Goncalo Amaral he still wishes to find Madeleine.


  7. SteelMagnolia, Thank you so much for your comment. I don't mind you commenting at all so feel free. I am just concerned that I don't want people to get themselves into any trouble, as this blog is in the public domain. I fully appreciate what you are saying and only wish that I could comment as I too would possibly have a lot to say :)
    I will read this article you have posted with interest.
    Is Piers interviewing the McCanns or Goncalo Amaral? I can't find it on my TV listings. Not sure if you are in UK or US, and screening days may differ. I would certainly be interested in watching it.
    I am in full agreement with you that if any comments are made in the book by Kate McCann then she should be able to answer or justify her comments as she has bought the book into the public domain. That would be the same with any author. They should justify their written word.
    Look forward to the article and Piers's show.
    Thanks again and please don't feel you have to stop commenting at all. Freedom of Speech is very important.
    Lisa xx :)

  8. @ SteelMagnolia - Have just gone to your profile and read the piece about the "Torso in the Thames" There was no place for me to comment, but I just wanted to say how moved I was by this blog, and how well written it was x

  9. Replies
    1. Very constructive comment, thank you! I will now no longer be taking comments from people who are too afraid to identify themselves.


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