Sunday, 22 May 2011

Blog Hopper question of the week

Blog Hop question of the week.

If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fictional world (from a book), which book would it be from and what would that place be?

I initially thought I would choose Pride and Prejudice, but that is just my pure lustful thoughts of Mr Darcy (aka Colin Firth). But so as not to be so shallow, I think I would have to pick The Island by Victoria Hislop because when I went to Crete this year and I fell in love with it so much, and saw the places where the book was set, apart from Spinalonga the former leper colony, which I shall save for my next visit. The writing in this book really brings the Island to life.


  1. Hi. Great Blog. I love pink. I am a new follower via the blog hop. Would love to have to follow my blog at

    Thanks. Donna

  2. Heading over there now Donna! Thanks for following.


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