Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Book Giving continues

My next part of book giving, took part at the Lakelands Hospice Respite Day Care Centre, a centre for people with varying cancers. I gave the books to patients, volunteers and staff. One said "ooh thats a raunchy lesbian book. I've read that before!" But she still had a copy. That made me laugh. I don't quite think I would class the book with that catch line.

From there I went to Marlow House Day Care Centre in Desborough, which is a centre that provides food and a meeting place for elderly people. One man when given a book, said I'd made his day. This book giving is good fun, putting smiles on peoples faces.

The following day I went to Desborough Library. Some book givers had found that their local libraries weren't very supportive and didn't want people giving books away on their premises. I can honestly say that Desborough library, Julie and her staff, were fantastic! There is a council office on site and I gave the books to people waiting in the queue rather than giving books to people who were already reading. Also gave one to a delivery driver who turned up at the library, who was more than pleased to give it to his wife and daughter to read, and said it felt like Christmas!

My last copies went to a friend and other book givers, swapping for the books they were giving away. Maybe that wasn't really the ethos behind the whole book giving thing, but I can still pass mine on when I've read them.

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