Friday, 18 March 2011

Book Crossing goodies

I am so excited. I have just received my Book Crossing goodie bag today. I am addicted to Book Crossing!

I have some plastic bags, in which I can hang my books to fence posts, bus stops or similar things, for people to take their surprise find away. They are good all weather bags, so could put my book in it and leave it on a park bench or something.

I have also got some yellow sticky notes, telling the finder that "Yes it is a free book and it's yours to keep". Plus there's lots of stickers for the inside of the book too.

My last bookcrossing book, I left in a shopping trolley, and the finder actually put a note on bookcrossing against the book ID to say what a surprise it was. They read the book in a day and then sent it on it's travels again.

If you haven't tried BookCrossing then I suggest you try it. It's such good fun!


  1. I totally agree, BookCrossing is fantastic! Which book crossing label(s) did you get?

  2. The labels were the yellow post it's which say "I'm not lost" which I think are gr8. Then I got the white ones that you just put on the spine, or on the front. They the big ones above, which have a lovely pic on them, where you just put the id on them. Plus some bags to leave books outdoors.
    There is a guy in the UK that sells them all which is better than buying them from UK cos of the postage.
    Have released two books in the wild today!


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