Wednesday 29 June 2011


Well I am back from my wonderful cruise and back to work this evening:(
I thought that before I went off to work, I would host my 3rd Wanderlust Wednesday. My theme this week came to me when I was wandering around the streets of Rome and seeing the building from which Dan Brown's "Angels & Demons" was set.

"Which country, island or city, from a book of fiction would you like to holiday in?"

I think mine would be Cephallonia (Kefalonia), the Greek Island where Captain Corelli's Mandolin was based. It always sounds so picturesque and relaxing. I could see me curled up with my Kindle there, on some deserted beach.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lisa,
    Such a hard question!!!

    I think it would have to be Scotland (for the numerous books I've read that were based in that gorgeous country - that I've yet to visit!). But I also MUST visit England. So much history! I've read so many books based on British royalty of the past that it's at the top of my 'gotta visit' bucket list!

    Or, I'd love to go back to Italy and stay even longer that my husband and I did 4 long years ago!

    I'd also like to thank you for awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award!! You are so sweet! On my blog (at the top) I have a '101 Things About Me' tab so I think that more than covers the 'list 7 things about yourself' requirement. ;)



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