Saturday, 6 July 2013

Want more Giveaways? Please help support my blog

As bloggers, we’re always looking for ways to earn a little extra from our blogging so that we can offer lots of giveaways to our wonderful blog followers. I am therefore asking for your help to  enable me to bring you more and more giveaways.
You can see the widget on the left hand side of my blog. It is offering savings on Books, Films, Music and Travel (although it says home and garden!!). If you can support my blog by making any purchases from the widgets, or click through to Amazon from any of the Amazon links you see, like the one above, then I get a minimum payment which helps me to purchase books for giveaways.  It doesn't cost you anything extra on Amazon for anything you buy. The other widgets even offer you special savings. I appreciate any support you can offer, in order that I can bring many more giveaways!
If you yourself are a blogger and want to know how to earn more for your blog please contact me. If you click through via the widget on the left hand side, and decide to sign up, please add as your referrer in the last box before you click submit.

Redleaguemedia are promoting the widget on behalf of Love My Vouchers

If you want to ask me any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. 

I hope you don’t mind me sharing this opportunity with you.



  1. Have shared this on my fb site (the so many books one) for you.


  2. Thanks Lainy. Didn't realise you had a new webpage too! Will check it out :)


Thanks for taking the time to leave a message and thanks for visiting my blog.