Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Book Tour & Giveaway - Til the Last Drop by Marquis Boone

Til The Last Drop
by Marquis Boone

Author Bio:

Marquis Boone is a pastor, motivational speaker, author, entrepreneur, mentor and spiritual advisor to a host of celebrities. Marquis is the Lead Pastor of Fresh Start Church which exists to revive, refresh, release and restore people back to God. He has been deemed one of America's most influential and talented pastors in his generation. His message of resurrection, healing and restoration is unparalleled and transcending cultural barriers within the church. Boone holds a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership and Masters of Divinity from Luther Rice University. He studied at World Harvest Bible College and completed a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a minor in Management from American InterContinental University.

Genre: Fiction/religious/ general/medical
Publisher: iUniverse
Release Date: Jan. 24, 2013
Buy: Amazon Amazon UK

Arthur and Valencia share happily ever after as husband and wife until tragedy comes knocking at their door. Life deals Valencia a crisis that requires a miracle of biblical proportion. She'll have to find a love so strong it defies logic, reason and heartbreak. After receiving a life changing phone call that no one ever wants to get Valencia Todd's life is left in shambles, with no signs of ever getting better. Struck with grief, frustration, sickness, and loneliness, Valencia is determined to find the cure to life that will get her back to normal.
Til the Last Drop is a supernatural story filled with passion, pain, sadness, twists and turns that will leave you in awe. The story of Valencia and all of the drops she experiences along the way teaches, as only a few stories have done, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to never give up, and, above all, trusting God.
A vow, betrayal and story...good until the last drop.



The almighty Father stormed into the room as a mighty rushing wind. As His very presence passed by, each servant stood at attention as they lined His pathway. Gabriel followed Him very closely and spoke: “Lord, I don’t understand.”

The Father stopped midway and turned to Gabriel and gave a declaration. “The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this. It is warfare, Gabriel. Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.”

The Father continued toward His seat. He sat in heaven exasperated. He turned and looked at His Son, who was looking down at Earth. “Son, what seems to have your attention?”
Father, come look at this,” the Son said as He stood gazing down toward Earth at Arthur and Valencia Todd and their daughter, Lindsy Todd.

The Father walked over, joined His Son, and together they looked down at the Todd family. 

Tour Schedule

February 26 - Bookalicious Travel Addict
February 27 - Lavender & Cammomile Press
February 28 - Reviews & Interviews
March 2 - Free eBooks DailyMarch 5 - Featured at Phantasmic Reads
March 6 - The Avid Reader
March 7 - Trailer Promo at The Avid Reader
March 9 - Joshua Albrecht's Blog
March 11 - BK Walker Books Etc.
March 12 - Mass Musings
March 13 - Marketing Cafe
March 14 - BK Walker Books
March 15 - Writing Innovations E-zine
March 18 - Hywela Lyn's Blog
March 21 - Lori's Reading Corner
March 22 - Reviewed at Melina's Book BlogMarch 23 - Dream Big...Read Often
March 26 - Reviewed at Deal Sharing Aunt
March 28 - Black Lilac Kitty


  1. Thank you for hosting Marquis :)

  2. Great giveaway, thanks!

  3. I LOVE your book trailer, and I believe your excerpt is great...fresh and unique storytelling!

    I wish you well on the rest of your tour!

    Michelle Pit Crew

  4. I love the trailer...the music is haunting!

    Pit Crew


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