Tuesday 6 March 2012

Movies v Books - coming soon

Hi Everyone,

Well it's been a while since I've blogged. A month in fact! I have been doing lots of overtime at work, to pay for my lovely holidays, so no time to blog. I wish I could blog at work like some do, but unfortunately I work for the emergency services and it's a big no no to use their computers.

I have been to the movies several times recently in my downtime. I have seen some good movies and some bad ones. Several have been based on books, some of which I've read and some I haven't. I will be blogging about those and asking your opinions too.

Well I must go now, as once again I am off to the movies. As my hubbie has been to see lots of films I wanted to see, I am going to see "Safe House". Well it does have the added benefit of having Denzel Washington in it, so I didn't need much persuading. Now the next decision is "Popcorn or jelly sweets". When you're on a diet thats a big decision.

Catch up with you all soon folks. xx

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear your catch ups! Nice to have you back

    Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net


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