Friday 27 May 2011

Pondering on how to spend my day

I have hurt my back and the pain is travelling down to my hip and I'm suffering. I'm not seeking sympathy I hasten to add. I am just pondering on what I can do with my day off work.
I'm tired as I've been awake since 3am, so should I have a nap?
I am enjoying my book "Star Gazing" by Linda Gillard, so thinking maybe I should sit and read.
My kindle book collection needs organizing so I could do that.
Or I could go for a walk to help ease my back. Sitting at my computer is not helping, so this is a brief interlude to my reading.
I have a couple of books to review, that the author has asked me to review, but I am having a bit of a dilemma. I really didn't enjoy it! I found it childish in it's writing; apalling in it's grammar, and thoroughly un-interesting! What do I tell her? Should I be honest and fear upsetting her, but being honest to other readers? Or should I lie in order not to hurt her feelings, but deceiving other readers? What would you do? Please advise me on my dilemma!
I have several paperbacks to organise still. Which ones I want to BookCross and which ones to swap on readitswapit. I can't go lifting loads of books today though so that will have to take a back seat for now.
I think I'll read for a bit then off out for a walk. Please don't rain!


  1. I think you should nap. Then you should read a the book that you are enjoying. You are in pain so you should do things that make you feel better. Happy things. No organizing things unless that makes you feel better. As for the book that needs a review and what to say to the author. Put that off to another day. Then you can think of some positives to go with the negatives and give an honest review. Just tamper down the language so you don't sound as blunt. But when they ask for a review, they have to know that some people won't like it.

    I hope you feel better.


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