Monday 22 August 2011

Book Review -- Confessions of a GP - Benjamin Daniels

TITLE - Confessions of a GP (Kindle Edition)

AUTHOR - Dr. Benjamin Daniels

PUBLISHER - The Friday Project

I'm not sure what to say about this one really. I found some parts of the book really interesting in relation to some of the things that people go to see the Dr about, and it intrigued me that some go just to talk and then when their 10 mins is up they just get up and walk out. I did find him quite patronising in places though, especially when he mentioned something that I had been to the Dr's about and then laughed about the patient. The language is a bit strong in places and I don't know why but I found this strange coming from a Dr, although I realise they are human like the rest of us. I think it's because I put my Dr on a bit of a pedestal and hold him in high regard and it just seemed strange to hear a Dr use such strong language.

The book itself has made me wonder whether at times I should just suffer in silence and not bother my Dr, and I'm not sure if this is a good thing if other people feel the same too. It may put people off visiting their Dr.

Some things he mentioned were extremely amusing though and did make me laugh, but then I thought I am actually laughing at what some people think to them, is quite important. Although there are some things he mentions which I definately wouldn't bother a Dr about and am quite shocked that people do. One chapter related to what reasons people give to the Dr's to get a sick note for work. Some were unbelievable. As he says "When I hand out a sick note, I am basically signing that person a cheque made up of taxpayers' money". This was a valid point.

Read it if you want an insight into what a Dr does during his day and learn about how the NHS works in relation to Dr's.

My rating - 3/5


  1. I'm curious about what some go to the Dr about that they shouldn't. This book might just make me mad though.

    I know in the US there are so many commercials about diseases and sicknesses. There are so many and the symptoms all sound like things that people have. Great review. You definitely made me think a bit.

  2. I've seen this on amazon. Now I'd like to see what's in it. You got me intrigued. Thanks for the review :)

  3. Hi, Lisa. I love the cover to the book. Your insights will be very helpful to other potential readers :-)


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